Throat Chakra Deep Dive

Where you will create voice of your soul and the confidence to bring your true self to the world. This event will move through a process that will empower you to:

  • Understand the vibration and resonance of your soul
  • Accept your originality, speak your truth and express your authentic voice
  • Identify damage and distortions that sabotage your success
  • Recognize symptoms indicating the state of health of this gateway
  • Engage healing strategies to bring this powerful gateway back into balance
  • Connect your inner world to you outer world

This Throat Chakra Deep Dive takes place over 1—4½-hour day and is presented as a virtual experience.



Welcome to the realm of the throat chakra, the communication center of your being. Communication is the exchange of information and energy, and through the fifth chakra you take your first steps into the realm of the spiritual chakras. Your attention moves away from easily observable elements to vibrations of subtle energies—the pulsations that move through all things.

In the first four chakras, you concerned yourself with form, movement, activity, and relationships. As you engage the fifth chakra your attention moves to communication as you connect your newly discovered and revitalized self with the outside world. Self-expression is the gateway between the inner and the outer worlds, and only through self-expression are you able to present your inner self to the world.

The second chakra allows the world to enter through your senses, where the fifth chakra allows your inner self to go forth into the world. The gift of a healthy throat chakra comes in accepting your originality, speaking your truth and expressing your authentic voice. With this gateway flowing freely you can access true knowledge, uninhibited by culture and family conditioning.

The Throat chakra encompasses all forms of communication including speaking, listening, body language, actions, and creative expression. It comes as no surprise the throat chakra aligns with the element of sound. It is the inner gateway between the mind and body, and only when these are connected do you have true communication.

It is through this inner gateway the unconscious becomes conscious and you can present yourself—dressed in full authenticity—to the world. The color associated with this chakra is sky blue and it focuses on connecting your inner world to your outer world. At this level of your energy body, you concentrate on self-expression.

Communication is the creative expression of who you are. It bridges your will with your consciousness and moves you forward into conscious creation. It is through this process that you move from the present moment into the future, manifesting every moment along the way.

You are presented with a unique opportunity to create the life of your dreams. With the health and balance of the first four chakras you are now positioned to bring your full authentic self to the world.

The time is NOW!!!! Please do not delay and miss this incredible window of opportunity.

Drawing on over 20 years’ of experience I successfully guide people on the journey through their chakra system to unlock incredible potential, opportunity and possibilities for a new and dynamic life.



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