Moving Through Attachments

by | Aug 9, 2021

As third dimension beings we are a collaboration of a multitude of experiences.

Some of these are beneficial and cause us to expand and others are painful creating contraction in our world. This is all a natural part of our journey here however, the problem arises when you allow yourself to attach to something—another person, a situation, a belief, or a thought pattern. This presents as resistance and creates an obstacle to the otherwise simple process of Aligning.

Resistance is always caused by attachment to a way of being from the past. This could be a person, and event, a belief system and thought process. Not allowing yourself to move past this can hold you stagnant in old energy—living in the past as opposed to moving into the future.

Attachment is normal, everyone feels some sort of attachment to people, things, or places. However, resistance to moving beyond the focus of your attachment is unhealthy when it begins to disrupt your life. Ask yourself “Can I release this attachment and survive?” If you feel you would rather have this object than move forward you may have an unhealthy attachment which will keep you from living your truth and optimizing your gifts.

Let me be very clear—releasing the attachment to a person or place in your life does not mean that object will disappear, never to be heard from again. I could not imagine never seeing my kids again, yet I realized I had an unhealthy attachment that had to go. This attachment stemmed from a need to control, to participate in a way that did not serve either of us. This is the attachment that I worked hard to release.

As the energy elevates in vibration and accelerates in speed it is designed to carry you into the fifth dimensions. Remaining in resistance—attached to the old, will keep you back in the low frequencies of the third dimension. This is an either / or proposition. These frequencies do not blend. Choosing to remain attached will prevent you from evolving and joining in the beauty of the accelerated energy.

Resistance stems from a lack of trust—a need to personally control your environment. Without trusting in a higher source of wisdom, taking a chance, and letting go—you rob the world of your gifts, your wisdom, and the impact you came here to have. This keeps you from accessing the gifts you hold as these will continue to diminish in the contracting energy of the third dimension.

To make your journey out of attachment and into the flow of the fresh new energy check out Prepare for Your Accelerated Awakening”, shifting from resistance to responsibility for your higher purpose in the new world. Find it on Amazon at