Into the Realm of Angels

by | Aug 9, 2021

Over the past decades people have evolve to take ownership of their physical bodies.

To a much larger degree, they are conscious of what they eat, how they exercise, and how they support their physical bodies with vitamins, minerals, and herbs. There is a heightened awareness of the various options available to address any ailment or dis-ease in the body.

This is a particularly important step because our bodies are the only tangible thing, in our lives, we are guaranteed to have from the day we are born to the day we die. We own them and we are responsible for them. Our bodies are powerful vehicles—only if we learn how to operate and maintain them properly. 

It is now time for you to take the next step in the evolutionary process and acknowledge your greater self, the other aspects of your being, and the other levels of the fabulous vehicle you have been gifted with. It is now time to become aware of your energy body and the chakra system—learning how to read the signals and operate and maintain them in the most optimal way. Through this awakening, you can embrace a new level of energy, joy, and peace in your life.

Your physical body is only one element of a more complex system encompassing your emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Together these various aspects of your self comprise your Energy Body. This system has 12 energy meridians channeling energy into every cell, organ, and system within your physical body. Doorways known as chakras serve as non-physical openings, or gateways to your existence. Through these openings, subtle energetic forces enter and exit your meridians. This energy has a profound impact on the shape of your body as well as the way you think, feel and address situations in your life.

Seven major chakras run along the spinal column and each serves as an intelligence center for processing energy into the world of physical matter. The atmosphere is alive with vital energies and, if your chakras are open and balanced, energy will flow into, through and out of your body—assisting you in maintaining mental clarity, emotional balance, physical health, and spiritual renewal.

Your beliefs, attitudes, and interpretation of life’s events determine how open or closed these doorways are. Contracting emotions like fear, guilt, grief, and shame distort the centers, while the expanding emotions like breath, beauty, love, and laughter rebalance them. Opening your chakras requires clearing the fears, doubts, beliefs, and barriers by running energy from the universe and the earth through these passages. This process will reveal the hidden issues controlling your life. It can be challenging as well as extremely liberating.

This is powerful wisdom for Empaths to embody—both for their own healing as well as that of the people they serve. With this knowledge you can now address multiple elements of resistance without delving deep into their origin. It can all be accomplished through the energy body by channeling vibrant energy bringing health, vitality, and balance to every aspect of life. 

The key is to let go, flow, move, and feel. Only through movement does your consciousness expand, and only through change is it stimulated. You require movement to encourage the flow of energy through your system bringing with it pleasure and excitement. This sensation stimulates awareness and awakens the consciousness within. You trigger release of emotional energies by moving your physical body. You understand the language of your senses—the essential links between your inner and outer worlds.

It is through these powerful links that you connect with the desires that live deep within your being. Desire inspires movement and change. It stimulates your senses and keeps you feeling alive. Desire is to the soul what logic is to the mind. It impels you to move forward, towards attainment of that which you desire. Without desire you have no energy, inspiration, or fuel for your will. It drives you to put forth the energy to achieve and grow, and it provides the enthusiasm and passion essential for developing energy and power.

Working through the chaos of YOU will lead to discovering that you possess the means to convert energy into action. You can transform matter and movement into a conscious direction of willed activity. To do this you must be willing to step into your individuality and confront a world of uncertainty. This takes courage!

The challenge is to define yourself as an individual, to break away from the shoulds and should nots of life and discover the true power that lies deep within. You need to see power as a source of transformation, the element that moves you away from the person the past dictates you to be, and into the possibility of your inner truth. Creating a new relationship with power will propel you to take actions that inspire and strengthen you while empowering those around you.

In embracing your inner being, you create a new relationship with power as a source of transformation. Power, like any other skill, strengthens when you work with it. You work with power through choice—by making choices you ignite and empower your will. Working with your will or willpower, you develop yourself as an individual, identifying inner strengths, weaknesses, passion, and purpose. By striving for safety, you leave yourself stagnant and diminish your power. It is by taking risks, stretching into the unknown, that your power builds. Taking on new challenges forces you to grow, and this is the act that ignites your power.

You will move forward with confidence, making conscious choices to act. This reflects an energetic vitality, enjoyment, and enthusiasm about life. With a strong sense of personal power, you have a positive outlook and are confident in taking risks and making mistakes.

You enjoy stepping into the world, embracing the unknown, taking action and tackling challenges. When you are in action you are continually presented with new and exciting opportunities. You take new risks, have unexpected experiences, and initiate a new and true direction to your life. This is your access to personal power and power is vibration.

When you focus your thoughts and shift your emotions out of contraction and into expansion, you are inspired to take on new and exciting challenges. This ignites your power bringing with it an acceleration and elevation in the frequency of your vibration. VIBRATION is EVERYTHING!

Become aware of your own vibration and elevate it into the realms of the new world. Discover more in “Harnessing Your Crown Chakra Power”. An intentional journaling and meditation experience taking you into the realm of angels. Find it on Amazon at