Will You Choose Fear or Hope?

by | Aug 9, 2021

WOW! What a journey we have been on!

Even those who prospered during these challenging times will agree it was a harrowing period in our evolution. Now what?

What is the future going to bring into your life? It is the beginning of a new era, and as always life presents you with a choice.

Choice 1: A wave of fear began in early 2020 and it became a tsunami by the end of the year and continues into the new era. You can choose to ride this wave for as long as it will carry you. You will move forward in the frequency of fear and feel very validated when life bring you more circumstances to be afraid of. Fear will attract other contracting emotions like anger, disgust, hopelessness, and shame. You will resent others who reject this fear and seek a more radiant way of life. As a contracting emotion fear will cause your world to close in on you. It will contract, eliminating possibilities and opportunities. This provides you with a false sense of safety as your world becomes smaller and more controllable. You can choose to carry the fear vibration forward—dwelling on what happened, what could have happened or what did not happen. This is a valid choice and one that many will elect.

Or you have another option.

Choice 2: You approach this new beginning with hope. Hope is an expanding emotion and if you ride on the frequency of hope your world will expand, opportunities will abound, and your experience will become limitless. This requires the courage to release control as you step out of the mundane and into a world of mystery and intrigue. It requires you to diligently monitor your emotional vibration, reaching for the best feeling thought you can generate at any moment in time. You understand that although thoughts do not create, they trigger the emotions that do. It is the feelings, the emotions that those thoughts produce, that generates the vibration to create your new world. You embrace a wave of hopefulness, using your imagination to create new possibilities, new opportunities—a new way of being. This will require focus on your part—always striving to feel as good as possible.

Your new world will ride in on the frequencies you choose to embrace.

All my life I have been told “it’s darkest before the dawn”. 2020 and continueing into 2021 have been a very dark period for many. However, the vibration of hope focuses on the dawn. What will the dawn bring for you? What can your imagination conjure up? This is the key to your success.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

– Albert Einstein

Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between reality and imagination. It is driven by the vibration of your focus. As human beings we deal with things vibrationally. It is the frequencies you embrace that guide you. It is your vibration that attracts opportunities to you through your emotions. Life is an emotional journey—not a thinking one. Thoughts simply drive your emotions. It is vital to feel your way to success not to think your way there.

In many cases, this is contrary to our education and training so it will require a new set of operating procedures. Here are a few steps to help you shift your perspective…

  • Become aware of your thoughts. What are you thinking and what emotion does this generate?
  • If you need to fine tune your thoughts to break old patterns of negativity, start with satisfaction. What do you feel satisfied about in this moment?
  • Reach for the best feeling thought you can. Expand it with your imagination.
  • Call in hope and optimism and feel how it makes your world expand. Feel your way there.
  • Line your thoughts up with your desires and then FOCUS.
  • Focus on the emotional or feeling details of the possibilities before you. How do new opportunities make you feel? What emotions arise?
  • Feel thrilled by the promise of the future.

Why is true success so relatively effortless? 

Because it rides on a wave of hope.

Join the masses of people now waking up and facing the changes brought upon us as we enter the accelerated energy of this new world.  To ease the impact of this journey check out both  Prepare for Your Accelerated Awakening” “Embrace Your Accelerated Awakening”. These are self-assessment action planners that will provide you with a perpetual resource for evolving into higher consciousness.  Find it on Amazon at