New Times – New Strategies

by | Aug 9, 2021

In this new world we have to get out of our own way to flourish

New Times—New Strategies

Old strategies for creating a clear path forward are filled with techniques and processes to soften resistance. We were given strategies directing us to delve deep into the source of the obstacles or limiting beliefs standing in our way. Although these strategies showed some success, the wins were hard earned and slow to develop.

One of the problems with these processes is when an element of resistance is revealed and eliminated it paves the way for a new desire to emerge. This sounds like a good thing, right? And it is except—along with the new desires comes a deeper level of resistance. By digging deeper to manage these new elements, new desires emerge—and the cycle repeats itself endlessly. With the focus on fixing resistance, new levels are presented to be fixed and life becomes an ongoing challenge of putting out one fire after another.

The belief is the only way to fully embrace the NOW and move joyfully into the future is to deal with each element of emotional debris accumulated over many years—if not many lifetimes. “If only I can get rid of all the bad stuff my good stuff will be revealed”. This is assumed to be mandatory before we can access the deeper truth of who we are NOW.

This technique is slow, cumbersome, and only moderately successful. Therefore, solving resistance cannot be the focus. There is a better way—a new world strategy.

These emerging strategies are based on vibration, and it is essential that you recognize yourself and your reality as 100% vibrational.

These new techniques direct you to move beyond the past and tap into who you really ARE in the present. Dream, daydream, visualize, go on an expedition to explore who you are NOW—at the deepest level of your being. What is the deepest truth of YOU?

Apply your focus to tune into the frequency of your inner being—your inner truth. This is where your vibrational reality resides. This is where you will find the true thrills life has to offer you.

Through this strategy, everything you thought was an issue to be eliminated, is transformed into a blessing that has brought you to this exact point in time.

When you stop focusing on getting rid of the resistance you stand in the truth of who you are.

It is time to refocus your energy to create the life of your dreams!

It is all driven by the frequency of your vibration. Vibration is EVERYTHING!! Every cell in your body is comprised of vibrating life force energy. This means every cell in your body is impacted by the vibration of the emotions you are experiencing. Your emotions are clear indicators of what track you are on.

Emotions have varying characteristics resonating with the vibrational frequency they generate. The higher the frequency, the greater the expansion. The lower the vibration the more contraction you will experience. Contraction leads to reduced life force energy and expansion increases it.

In his book ‘Power vs Force”, Dr David R Hawkins identified the vibrational scale of emotions. Vibrational frequencies of emotions are plotted on a scale from 0 to 1000. They range from contracting emotions—those that have your world shrinking around you; to expanding emotions—those that encompass endless possibilities. 

For example, the scale of contracting emotions includes feelings such as anger (a frequency of 150), disgust, fear, sadness, hopelessness, and shame. Expanding emotions encompass feelings like satisfaction, trust, optimism, joy, peace, and enlightenment (a frequency of 700+).

All emotions are energy. They move and they have a vibrational frequency. Emotions are never permanent—you experience a continual flow from one to another. We use emotions as a system of measuring how we are resonating as a being at any point in time.

If you apply your focus to things that trigger contracting emotions, you will feel worse and you will attract more thoughts and things that make you feel even worse. This is the reason these new strategies move the focus away from breaking down resistance. You cannot hope to create a flow of all the things you want in life by focusing on the things you do not want.

Shifting your vibration into the realm of expansion requires a dedication to refocus your thoughts, emotions, and energies. Inspiration happens continually and your emotions provide the gateway to endless possibilities. The key is to apply your focus to anything that ignites expanding emotions.

NOTE: it does not matter what thoughts elevate your vibration. You do not have to force yourself to feel optimistic about a challenging issue in your life. You just need to redirect your thoughts to something that provides great pleasure, and your vibration will transform. No matter how you get there you will be positioned to attract abundance into every realm of your life.

Become an avid vibration seeker rather than a subject seeker. What I mean is do not focus on shifting your emotions around specific issues in your life to manifest what you desire. Focus on feeling good—regardless of the subject matter that gets you there. The better you feel, the better you will feel. Better leads to better which leads to even better. It is on this trajectory you will create the world of your dreams.

You are consciously leading your transformation. And you have an enormous amount of help available to you!

Wisdom and strategies are emerging rapidly into this new world and are positioned primarily to be used to accelerate evolution. To foster this change, neuro-science has evolved tremendously, bringing us elevated insights into the power held in our own biology. 

Along with this new information, ancient tools are now being understood and valued for the power they bring us. Although these have been around for many millennia, they now bring in a new level of relevance. Riding the wave of this expanded power we are now ready to use these brilliant gifts to support our own evolution as well as that of all humanity.

To learn more about tapping into your financial greatness for this new world check out “Getting to the Root of Your Financial Greatness for Empaths”. This holds insights and an intentional journaling for creating abundance. Find it on Amazon at