Tapping Into Your Intuition

by | Aug 9, 2021

Intuition is the best business tool available—if only you listen to it.

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is the way your subconscious mind communicates with your conscious mind. Your subconscious has the capacity to process four million bits of information per second. This provides a treasure trove of data compared to only forty bits made available through your conscious mind. This is the power that fuels your intuition—it is in fact a data driven machine.

This explains why many CEO’s make decisions based on intuition despite having access to mountains of empirical data.

After a lifetime of being taught to disregard unconscious process, intuition, or hunches, people live almost entirely in the conscious mind and intuition becomes an inferior function. How do you now turn the tables on this and gain access to this innate wisdom?

Here are the top 8 strategies I recommend to tap into your inner power:

1.    Clearing up energetic debris—addressing emotional legacy, past conditioning and belief systems that hijack your thoughts and behaviors. These clog the channels to your intuition.

2.    Manage thoughts & emotions—thoughts drive your emotions and emotions drive your thoughts. Becoming aware of both thoughts and emotions, and deliberately shifting from those that contract your world and those that expand it, clears a pathway for your intuition to emerge.

3.    Distinguish between fear and intuition—intuition is focused only on the present moment and it is unemotional. Fear draws in worries about the past and future and clouds the flow of data.

4.    Listen to your body—the sensations of your body is your internal communication system sharing data about you and the world around you. This is food for your intuition

5.    Take time in silence—in a world bombarded with disembodied communication it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to hear your own unique vibration, your internal messages. It is only in silence that you can hear these subtle messages.

6.    Practice mindfulness—consciously bring your attention into the present moment without judgement or attachment.

7.    Choose carefully who you hang out with—as your intuition awakens you will become more sensitive to the energies around you. These can have a profound impact on your experience—both wanted and unwanted. Do not let other peoples emotional baggage hijack your awakening process.

8.    Join a community of like-minded people—this will provide the fuel you need to accelerate along the path of embracing your intuition.

It takes courage to forge a new path forward. It takes courage to prioritize intuition over rational thought. This is the reason Inspirational Leaders rise to the top. This is the reason they stand out among their peers.

Awakening Consciously offers an unprecedented opportunity to consciously create a legacy for future generations. This starts by creating a new world—one lead by empathy compassion and intuition.

Intuition is your internal compass—it will not tell you where to go but will always get you there.

The Third Eye or 6th chakra is home to your intuition. To tap into this infinite resource of wisdom start with Harnessing Your Third Eye Chakra Power”, a meditation & journaling experience where you are guided through a process to reveal the answers from deep within your energy body. Find it on Amazon at